Improve Alexa Rank
Posted On Saturday, September 22, 2007 at at 3:23 PM by Abdelrahman Ellithy1. Obsolete
2. Cobrand Alexa's toolbar with your web site and give it away. Do it here: There are steps there to be followed. It will help you a lot if you signup as an amazon associate for free, this is so you can get your amazon id to place on your alexa toolbar.
3. Work on traffic exchanger and submit your alexa detailed info page of your domain.Google adsense publishers Watch Out!
4. If you are fond of soliciting people's testimonials about your web site, then do it alexa style, request people to place their positive testimonials on alexa's detailed listing of your web site e.g.
5. Get top 10 domains as listed and ranked by Alexa and leave your positive comments and your url on it. Top 10 domains can be found here: If you are feeling very active in a day rate 10 web site per day as listed on their top 500 web sites.
6. Place alexa ranking chart, buttons, associate/cobranded toolbar, site stats button, traffic history graph, site info links, free search and site report all in one page of your web sites which receives the highest number of visitors. All of them can be found here:
7. After you're done with the associate/cobranded toolbar of alexa, get more people to download and install it on their browsers and let them rate your web site positively.
8. Get listed on other search engines and directories as well, specifically:,,,, and
9. Just a tip: if your web site is highly ranked on exactseek chances are you are also highly ranked on alexa
10. Encourage interactivity and community spirit on pages of your web site and install forum, classified ads, ffa, guestbook, topsites, etc. Remotely hosted will only do you a little, but be sure you have your own domain name and install these scripts that encourages interactivity and voting for your web site and place your alexa's graphics on it.