Getting Genuine Traffic
Posted On Friday, December 28, 2007 at at 6:34 AM by Abdelrahman EllithyWhat is Genuine traffic?
Genuine Traffic is that the visitors of a certain site or page really wanted to visit that site or page, the source is usually search engines or organic (from bookmark or written in browser URL bar directly), SO this doesn't include traffic exchange and buying traffic or auto surf programs
Advantages of Getting Genuine Traffic :
1- Getting higher Page Rank, Although Page ranking is determined by sites linking to yours, Genuine traffic is also a measure
2- SEO : The percent of your visitors who really wanted your site or found it useful is measured, this is measured through bounce rate and average time on your web page, this is directly related to how search engines rank you and determine who comes first in search results
3- Marketing and earning money : If you get high traffic rank , you would probably get a sponsor . Almost the first 100,000 sites on the web have sponsors
So, How to get Genuine Traffic
1- Genuine content : Always remain the key for alpha one sites , Do not copy and paste.
2- Description : Very important , write as much as possible with less repetition of words , describe your content wisely and write a long description specially if you are a blogger , write the 500 characters all
3- Rich content : Do not summerise , write as much as you like
4- for bloggers your blog is not usually appreciated by visitors unless it contain about 100 posts
5- Subscribe to Blog Directories and submit your blog in the right category
6- Do some SEO