"show more results from" Google favors big sites
Posted On Sunday, August 9, 2009 at at 7:12 AM by Abdelrahman EllithyYou may notice the new Google search feature : "show more results from" that allows the searcher to view related posts or articles on the same website.
this of course will increase the click through rate for sites showing "show more results from" and thus the will make they come up more in search results.
Has Google contributed in making the life better?
Posted On Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at at 4:26 AM by Abdelrahman EllithyI think Google made its name in history and this will never change.
Google really contributed in improving the quality of life , how is that :
1- Google gives special respect to scientific research and education search results also there special engine developed for students.
2- Google is very successful on its trial to not show harmful results as porn and hacker in first results.
I think Google made the human life better, no one in any field of life can't make use of Google.
Watch what are you linking to, it matters
Posted On Saturday, August 1, 2009 at at 2:08 PM by Abdelrahman EllithyIt is very important to keep eye on what your website links to :
1- Many out going links is killing for famous websites this includes advertisments, there are millions of websites over the internet, now it is easy to get back links, you should know that you are passing page rank to every site you link to.
2- Linking to sites not liked by search engines as download sites, stolen software..etc. may get you out of search results
3- Do not provide advertising for any website, you should revise it, advertise only quality websites like adwords.